Pure milk

Milk straight from the Keerboort Reinboot farm
How much milk does one cow give? "30 to 32 litres per day, but our star cow has managed to produce 59", says Xavier Lagatie. He runs a dairy farm in the peaceful Moeren van Adinkerke, just 5 kilometres from Beauvoords Bakhuis.
The "Keerboort Reinboot" farm dates from the eighteenth century and was the court of the Lord of Adinkerke, "We have 115 cows with plenty of space for them, both on the pasture and in their housing– I know them all by name. Using our milk tanker, we deliver around 2000 litres per fortnight to Beauvoords Bakhuis. Their pancakes are made with pure milk, straight from the farm and never mixed with any other milk. And you can taste that!"