Beauvoords Bakhuis part of the Cérélia Group
6 March 2024Light mass is coming!

Feast of light and delicious pancakes!
“In May, every bird lays an egg,” says the proverb. But our laying hens are already like the chickens. They start laying plenty of eggs again around Light Mass. So the ideal time to make extra pancake batter.
On Sunday, Feb. 2, it is Candlemas. After the dark months, the light slowly returns and we celebrate. This day is centered around socializing and the arrival of spring. And what better way to do that than with a stack of heavenly pancakes?
Want to score outright? Then buy a large supply of Beauvoord pancakes right now: conveniently packaged, perfectly baked and irresistibly delicious.
Long live the light!
Long live the annual pancake feast!